Monday, November 3, 2008

Tag You're It!

So, since Joey O.SPECIFICALLY mentioned me in his blog, I have decided to try this survey. Here is Joey O's and the person who tagged him, Kati’s.

Ten years ago I was…
1) celebrating that I graduated High School
2) brooding about my parents not allowing me to start UF late admission
3) working at General Cinema - Lake Mary (now a fitness gym WTF)
4) In a love/hate relationship that mostly was just a lot of fun
5) Skipping classes at UCF in a passive aggressive way to get back at my parents (see #2)

Five things on my to-do list:
1) Go see Joey O's place;
2) Finish my SSLLI homework for tomorrow
3) Finish moving into my hot new place!
4) Finish my application for the FLA FSU scholarship
5) Figure out how to let the cat out of the bag

Five snacks I enjoy:
1) Navel Oranges;
2) This awesome frozen fruit stuff that I can't remember the name of (something like yo tutti frutti)
3) Cooked Carrots;
4) Kettle Chips (see it isn't all healthy!);

Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1) Give all of our parents money to pay back everything they have done for us;
2) Pay off all my existing debts (including student loans);
3) Give certain friends and family anonymous fundage to help with their debts ;
4) See the country by camper (state parks, historic sites, and zoos!);
5) Go to Ireland!!!

Five places I have lived:
1) Michigan;
2) Lake Mary, FL;
3) Orange Park, FL (for 2 years until we came back to LM);
4) DeLand, FL (dorm room, apartments, house, in-laws);
5) Savannah!

Five jobs I’ve had:
1) Receptionist and Answering Service;
2) Nanny;
3) Movie Theatre (one in LM and one in MI);
4) Stage Manager
5) Librarian

I’m going to tag ANYONE WHO READS THIS!!!!!!!