Thursday, May 22, 2008


I've been really inspired by reading some friends blogs. And random stangers blogs for that matter.

The problem I have with blogging is I think too much. I'm great at conversation but when I go to type I try so hard to pick out the right words. That whole stream of conciousness thing is lost.

I think this stems from some events in my past that cause me to close up about my own thoughts, opinions, and feelings.

I'm working through it.

Things have been well. Caelan is getting so big so fast! He is his own little boy now. I was looking at a picture of him back in March, a mere 2 months ago mind you, and he looked soo different! Floppy. He's a solid beast now. I love it.

He's a perfect mix of me and Joe thus far. He has my quiet observance with his father's quest for adventure. Odd bird. Just like us :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Waldo Ultimatum

Saw this at